We are live in 12 countries in Europe
MarkeDroid is expanding rapidly across the Europe! Join us on this exciting adventure towards a smarter, more sustainable energy future—right from your home!

Maximize energy returns with AI-powered management
Take control
Our solution identifies the best deal for you to either buy, sell or store energy based on an hourly stock market price, the weather and your energy consumption and production capabilities 1 day in advance.
Fully automated
You do not need to monitor stock market prices to figure out how to save on energy consumption. Our system makes the call automatically, selecting the optimum energy source for you at any moment.
Save 50% extra
MarkeDroid has helped homeowners save up to 50% of energy costs on top of their solar park and get a faster return on renewable energy investments all year round, not just in the summer.
Works with existing systems
Hardware agnostic
Seamlessly integrates with your current installation.
10-minute setup
Quick installation process with results in 24 hours.
Recurring revenue
Transform one-time sales into ongoing relationships.
AI-powered optimization
Virtual power plant network
MarkeDroid connects household’s energy-producing assets, e.g. solar panels, to a cloud-based, asset-agnostic virtual power plant network where forecasts are accumulated and AI-driven decisions made on an hourly basis to calculate the highest value for a household based on its specific use case. MarkeDroid determines the best time to buy, sell or store energy, considering the weather and the household’s energy consumption and production.

Effective energy system
Solar batteries disregard the energy market price and typically go to sleep during winter. By automatically determining whether it is better for the specific household to buy, sell or store electricity at a given time of the day, MarkeDroid enables homeowners to trade their excess power to the grid in a more optimal way. This contributes to the stability of the home energy system, reducing electricity bills and earning back the renewable energy investments made, regardless of the time of the year.
Here’s what our customers say about us

Projekti nimi: Rohe Samuel 2021-2027.1.01.24-0685
Projekti maksumus: 47 340 €
Kirjeldus: Masinõppel baaseeruvate ning ise-reguleeruvate prognoosimise mudelite loome, mis piiratud andmete olukorras hakkavad prognoosima ette päikeseparkide energiatootlikkust ning objekti energia tarvet 24h etteulatuvalt.
MarkeDroid is a participant in the “Energy | Climate Focus” acceleration program. The “Energy | Climate Focus” acceleration program implemented by Beamline Accelerator is supported by the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK) within the framework of the Estonian recovery plan from the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF) and is aimed at implementing green technology development programs.